Then components are then passed on for shredding into the 4-shaft shredder. Machine.The shredder machine which is capable of accepting feed of around 3,000 kgs per hour, helps to "open up" sealed components, separating metals from plastic. The shredder accepts manually dismantled components through a hopper at one end, passes the feed through the shredding chamber where 4-shaft shredder counter rotating hexagonal 4-shafts shred fitted with circular blades shred the components, and the shredded items are dropped onto a moving conveyor belt.
An inbuilt overhead magnetic separator band ensures automatic separation of iron metal component from the feed, whereas employees, wearing appropriate safety equipment such as gloves and helmets, stand by to physically separate other metals such as aluminium and copper from the moving conveyor belt. Before the magnetic separator the dust has been collected by the dust collector. All plastic components are deposited at the end of the conveyor belt. These metals (aluminium, steel, copper,wire,etc.) and plastics which are of high purity in nature are then usually sold to authorized buyers.
Certain components of the computer such as printed circuit boards (PCBs) contain precious metals such as gold, silver, etc. These PCBs are not sent for shredding and are instead accumulated and would be used for precious metal extraction. That portion of e-waste which contains hazardous elements and cannot be recycled is sent to authorize hazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities for final disposal as per the norms of the pollution control board.